“Buenos Aires” means “good air.” That good air certainly produces some beautiful and sexy ladies. Let’s take a deep breath!
Enjoy the Thrill of Latin America
“Buenos Aires” means “good air.” That good air certainly produces some beautiful and sexy ladies. Let’s take a deep breath!
It took me a while to find out that this was Argentina. But I have solved that mystery, so you can just enjoy the video.
Just as I did when I lived in Costa Rica, I get questions from guys planning their first trips, only now it’s info about Medellin and not Costa Rica.
Below I will list some questions I have gotten:
Q: What’s the best hotel?
Q: What’s the best area to stay in?
Q: Are the girls pretty?
Q: Can I meet non-pro girls?
Q: Do they like Americans?
Q: How much do girls charge for all night?
Q: Are the girls GFE?
Q: Do they do uncovered BJs?
That’s just a small sample, but it’s representative of what I am asked. The questions are certainly things a first time monger visitor would like to know, but the problem is that the answers aren’t as simple as the questions.
Take ‘best hotel’ for example. It depends on how much you care to spend, what you plan to do while here, and whether you speak Spanish or not. Basically, it depends on who YOU are. A Spanish speaker who wants to just visit casas is different than an English only speaker who has lots of money to burn and wants all night company at his place.
‘Best Area’ is similar. El Poblado is best if you don’t care about cost and don’t speak Spanish. But I have a friend who doesn’t speak much Spanish, but is happy to stay in a low cost hotel downtown because it’s close to the action he enjoys.
As far as whether the girls are pretty, or like Americans, I can answer with a qualified ‘yes,’ but this doesn’t mean every chica in the city is a 9 or 10 nor does it mean they all want to meet you. Your mileage may vary.
General questions about costs and services can’t really be answered in any definite way. Costs and services vary wildly. Anybody not totally new to the game should realize that. You can pay a little and end up with a great time. You can pay a little and have a poor session. You can pay a LOT and have either result, or something in between.
I don’t really mind answering questions but I thought I would throw this out just to give food for thought. You can do a lot of research on your own. You can research hotels through a number of websites. You can find mongering advice online as well. If you do a little homework and are clear on what’s available and what you want, answers to frequently asked questions will be more informative and specific. What else can I say?
I have fond memories of Mazatlan, where I first studied Spanish. The video, however, requires no Spanish.
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