It’s not by accident that Colombian women are consistent contenders and often winners in international beauty pageants such as “Miss Universe” and “Miss World.” As a new resident of Colombia, Medellin specifically, I am struck, over and over again, at the sheer number of VERY attractive women here.
As I said to a friend, it’s almost impossible to sit at a sidewalk café for ten minutes at a stretch and not see an 8 or a 9 walk by. Maybe that accounts for the sheer number of sidewalk cafés? If not, it could!
Probably the most common look is the dark haired and light tan skinned type. Among women under 40, I have noticed that a majority (it seems) let their hair grow as long as it will, only trimming the ends to keep it looking beautiful. Waist long hair is quite common, and to my eyes, quite attractive. Brown eyes are in the majority, though I have seen plenty of blue and green eyes. There are plenty of women who would look quite at home in a Midwestern shopping mall, women you would never guess were South American until you tried talking to them in English.
As you wander around town, you’ll see bank clerks that wouldn’t seem out of place in a “telenovela” (local soap opera). You’ll see women in supermarkets that will take your breath away. At least, they take MINE away. It almost hurts. It also tends to make me forget exactly what it was I was supposed to be shopping for. Of course, not EVERY woman in Colombia is beautiful. We ARE still on the Planet Earth, after all. But still…
For those looking for companionship and willing to pay for it, the sheer number of beautiful women in the area spills over.

I remember my first time in one of the downtown “casas,” as the chicas came over, one at a time, to introduce themselves, and as each new chica came by, I immediately forgot the name of the previous one, not because the previous one wasn’t beautiful, but just because the one standing in front of me captured my full attention, as did the next one, causing me to once again forget the prior girl’s name. It was a little embarrassing!
Toward the end, I forced myself to remember the names of at least two that particularly appealed to me. It would have been tacky to ask the manager to have them come by a second time, though I suppose it happens with some guys.
For any man, or woman for that matter, who appreciates feminine beauty, Medellin, Colombia is a veritable Wonderland.
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