I was working as an audio editor with a narrator of audio books, Audrey Lusk, and we made a deal where she would narrate my book, “Magdalena, A Prostitute’s Life in Costa Rica” in exchange for some audio editing of her work. The result is an audio book which is available via Audible.com.
It was an interesting process and sales have been fairly good. We had to work a little on some of the Spanish words, and even then there are a few that are less than perfect, but considering that Audrey doesn’t speak Spanish, she did a great job.
For any who are not familiar with the basic story, it follows “Magdalena’s” life from her childhood through her glory days as the star of the “El Jardin” hotel, through marriages, gunfights, drugs, prison time, sex for money, sex for free, and too much to mention in this short space. If reading wears your eyes or brain out or if you just like to kick back and listen to a good story, the audio book version is available.
I have one other audio book, one I did totally myself, and it was a pretty arduous process. I found out just how tongue tied I am, for example. I found out that being a fast reader is a problem when trying to read out loud. I found myself wishing that I had tried to read what I wrote aloud before putting it in a book. I realized that I am fond of writing nearly unpronounceable sentences and paragraphs. I wanted to slap myself around but refrained because I knew it was going to hurt.
In any event, the books got done and there may be more to come someday. Maybe. Check out the results if you like audio books and stories about working girls.