Note: ‘prepago’ is the Colombian term for a sex worker.
The mongering scenes in Costa Rica and Colombia are similar in many ways, but also differ in some important ways. Some differences are obvious, such as the lack of a pick-up bar scene like that big pink hotel downtown in San Jose. Mongers coming to Colombia won’t find that ‘scene’ anywhere, at least not in that form. But it only takes talking to one or two fellow mongers in Medellin, for example, before they are able to scratch their itches. But hanging out all day in the Colombian equivalent of the bar of the big pink hotel is not an option.
San Jose has its massage parlors and pensions, and Medellin has its ‘casas.’ In terms of facilities, cost and quality of available talent, the Medellin casas are considerably superior. Nevertheless, not all mongers are content only visiting the casas; some prefer the comfort of their own room, hotel or apartment. It is for those gentlemen that I write this, as even some quite experienced visitors are unaware of certain options, particularly the online escort sites.
I’m not going to list the sites here, but you can do a search easily enough. “Medellin Prepagos” would be a search that will give you plenty of hits. The top two that I just did gave me ‘mileroticos’ and ‘photoprepagos,’ which are two that I enjoy browsing. Both feature many working girls with numerous pictures and some description of what they offer.
Before I visited these sites, I thought I had a fair vocabulary of Spanish, but I learned otherwise rather quickly. Some of the words are obvious even without knowing any Spanish. ‘Oral’ is oral. ‘Condom’ is condom.’ Ah, but there are so many more words there, often more than a page full. Google translate will do you a modest job, though you definitely need to take their translations with a grain of salt.
As far as the pictures go, most do not feature face pictures though some do. Some photos are extremely graphic while others are rather modest. Some of the advertisements will state a price and others won’t. Chicas are constantly coming and going, so who is there one week, or even one day may not be there the next time you look. Now whether you can actually hook up with them depends on your level of Spanish or your computer savvy (or a combo). I’ve been able to hook up fairly easily and maybe you can too. You might want to give it a try if you aren’t a ‘casa’ kind of guy.
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