“Prepago” is the common term for a sex worker in Colombia. You probably knew that already, but I just want to cover all bases before I get going.
Some guys call non-prepagos “regular girls” or “normal girls,” but whatever you want to call them, I have pretty much given up on chasing them. It’s not that I have anything against them as such. IF, somehow, attractive “regular” girls suddenly found me as attractive as I find many of them, I would not hold their ‘lack of profession’ against them. Ah… but the sad truth is that I am not attracted to women my own age (67 and counting). Oh, there are some women even in their 50s or even 40s who might give me the time of day, under certain circumstances. But actually trying to connect with one, then going through the dating ritual is just a total drag. It’s time consuming, expensive, not to mention unpleasant and of doubtful result.
The alternative for me, living in Latin America, is/are prepagos.
There are so many reasons why it’s hard to know where to begin, but among them, in no particular order are:
You WILL get laid.
Your ‘date’ will be younger and better looking.
You won’t have to try to ‘court’ her.
You can just leave (or ask her to leave) when it’s over.
Your ‘date’ won’t mind if your attraction was ‘merely physical.’
And so forth.
Getting back to my own situation, I will make a few observations from personal experience. First thing is this, every prepago on Earth is an individual. I have met some sweet, honest, loving girls and I have met some psycho, dishonest and totally heartless ones. Most of them, like most human beings, are neither 100% angel or 100% demon. Some like their work, some hate their work, some are blase about it.
My own attitude is that a prepago may be more likely to have problems with drugs or alcohol or be dishonest, but having once been a musician, I would say the same about my musician brothers. Some are virtuous, some are vile, and most fall in between the extremes.
I have one very good friend, the subject of my book “Magdalena,” who is a dear friend, honest and has many good qualities along with some weaknesses and faults. She’s far from ‘chaste,’ and if you’re looking for ‘innocent,’ keep looking. But I can say that I know of more than one prepago who has settled down with one of her former clients and is a faithful partner to her man.
I suppose that some guys are afraid of a relationship with a prepago because they worry that she’s only after their money. Personally, I LIKE the fact that she doesn’t pretend that money doesn’t matter. “Regular” girls will usually pretend it doesn’t matter, until divorce time comes, at least.
All in all, I just prefer the honesty of the transaction. And just because a girl is working as a prepago to feed herself doesn’t mean she can’t actually like me. And THAT is (part of the reason) why I ONLY date prepagos.
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