Clueless clyde is the story of a 50 year old accountant from Cleveland, Ohio who finds love or similar substitute in the tropical paradise of Costa Rica.
The book is not literately true, as there is no one person who is Clyde. However, the stories are real enough, and if you have spent time in the Gringo Gulch, then you are likely to recognize a few. The names have been changed, in order to protect the clueless.
Another common term for a Clueles Clyde is “Captain Save a ‘Ho”. You know that guy who thought it would be a good idea to date or marry a bartender, hooker or professional model. More often than not, all three are really the same thing in Costa Rica. In the end it’s the captains that need saving, and not the girls.
Casual readers should be warned however. If you have spent time in Costa RIca, and still don’t know a Clueless Clyde or two, then you may actually be him.