With a title the leaves little doubt to the subject matter, A Romp Through the Dominican Republic is about quitting your day job to go cruising and boozing with beautiful women on the island of the Dominican Republic. If mocha-colored ladies of negotiable affection, amid blue water and white sand is your thing then this Caribbean island is your place.
In the introduction, Archer suggests the president of the Dominican Republic may be less than flattered with his book. Indeed, the image of sex tourism is a legacy the island would like to shake. However, an endless supply of beautiful young women, living in poverty is a formidable natural resource. After all, what is a girl to do?
Available in both paperback and Kindle electronic edition the 378 page books reflects a good deal of effort, and time on the ground in the Dominican Republic. Archer who has been traveling to the island for twenty five years introduces many of the cultural aspects of living in the country.
“And they aren’t jealous if you go after their women,” Ed said, “like Mexican guys are; who will kill you if you even look sideways at their women, especially their wife.” “That’s what I mean by objects”, Ed replied. “The Dominican men will even help you get a woman. It’s like petting their dog. Everyone likes you to pet their dog.” “One good thing is they
Raymond Archer (2006-03-31). THE SEARCH FOR THE PERFECT WHORE: A ROMP THROUGH THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Kindle Locations 559-563). iUniverse. Kindle Edition.
Apart from being an erotic paradise, the Dominican Republic is not all wine and roses. Archer tells stories of knife fights, lovers quarrels, and expats in conflict with the locals. He spends most of the time between Puerta Plata and Sosua, but makes excursions to Boca Chica on the southern coast. Most of the book is educational, explaining how things work and how to stay in the Dominican Republic for an extended period of time.
Mario said he wanted me to meet his sisters. He had three of them. Now, I know that for a Latin American to say he wants you to meet his sister is a kind of standing joke. But, in the Dominican Republic most of these guys do have sisters, and they do want you to meet them.
Raymond Archer (2006-03-31). THE SEARCH FOR THE PERFECT WHORE: A ROMP THROUGH THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Kindle Locations 4876-4878). iUniverse. Kindle Edition.
When Archer does tell us about the girls, the descriptions are exciting and avoid the kinds of lurid details that may turn off the reader. Indeed the The Search for the Perfect Whore, as is the case with romance in general is more about the search and pursuit than the capture. The book is the perfect read for anyone considering a vacation in the Dominican Republic.
The Search for the Perfect Whore: A Romp Through the Dominican Republic on Paperback