El Pueblo, located just north of downtown San José is the perfect place to meet Costa Rican women. In fact the average American has a really good chance of picking up a twenty something young lady here even for those who are in town just for a few days.
Although Latinos tend to be a social in public places, the solitary foreign male gives off an awkward vibe. Taking a friend or two may also improve the collective Spanish speaking ability, which is important for creating the mood. Those who find themselves alone in San Jose alone may be able to recruit a couple guys from their hotel bar to explore the El Pueblo.
Jump in any taxi cruising downtown San Jose and ask to go to El Pueblo. The rate should be about $4 from the Hotel Del Rey. Take a passport and keep it in an inside pocket, preferably the kind that is worn under a shirt and around the neck. There is a brief identification and security check at the entrance, and although everyone should get in line, it’s common for an obvious foreigner to get waived through.
A single women or group of women is fair game. Fear of rejection should not be a problem as Costa Rican women tend to be polite, and when not interested will likely let a fellow down gently.
Promptly invite any receptive girl to a drink, which will be most appreciated. Of course this part of the deal usually requires some Spanish speaking ability to progress from small talk to the closing.
Unfortunately, the better places in El Pueblo to meet girls are usually loud and crowded. The solution is to invite any potential date to one of the smaller bars where the atmosphere is much more intimate. This approach is a also good pre-sell on final closing, which is to go back to the hotel room.
There are also some hard core professionals that roam El Pueblo, and these are usually easy to identify because will be alone, and try to close the deal very quickly. Very few of the girls at El Pueblo consider themselves to be prostitutes, however few are adverse to receiving a gift after having a wild time with a foreign gentlemen.
If a girl declines the initial offer to visit the hotel room, then a gentle follow up along along the following lines are in order.
If money is important, then she will use the opening to get into the details. Otherwise, the suggestion is not likely to offend when presented softly. Avoid specifying any specific monetary figure unless the prospective date does first.
Try to avoid the mess of taxis in the parking area, and walk immediately to the left and less than one back away to the main street when exiting. Flag a taxi that is coming down the main road, and ignore the dozen or so shouted offers from taxi drivers parked directly in front of the door. These will charge at least three times the going rate or worse, and on most nights are quite unnecessary because there is so much traffic just outside the complex.